Our Marketing Calendar Template will organize all your marketing efforts into one useful calendar.

2025 Marketing Calendar Template - A free download!

Organize, prepare and record all your social media posts, mobile messaging, email blasts and much more.

marketing calendar template

With the new year rapidly approaching, you may find yourself searching for new marketing ideas or getting lost in all your tweets and other social posts. The holidays are rapidly approaching and the year will be over before you catch your breath.

If you have these same kinds of issues, we may have something that will help. Take your marketing efforts one step further while making the whole process easier and more effective. This marketing calendar template lists all the big national holidays as well as some quirky and fun holidays that could boost your marketing efforts in a fun way to your customers.

This calendar can be filled out by date with all the posts you want to do daily, weekly or monthly. Plan your tweets, Facebook posts, Instagram, Snapchat, SMS marketing, etc. by day, ahead of time. This also records all your posts and campaigns to review later, making your content writing efforts a little easier. It is a Microsoft Excel .xlsx file, but can be opened in Google Sheets, iCloud Numbers or a number of other spreadsheet applications.

Download the template.

Fill out the short form below to get your file.

If you haven't planned the rest of the year out yet or if you want to start on next year's, this marketing calendar template can provide a great base. If used consistently, this can be ultra helpful, easy to use, drive revenue, increase your social media presence, email & text marketing subscribers.

This calendar is a 365 column-long spreadsheet with every day as a column. Under that column are the dates and every holiday for that day. You will find traditional holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving, etc. You will also find fun holidays that work perfectly for business owners such as National Hot Dog Day, Something on a stick day and many, many more.

Further down the columns are rows for entering in your mobile marketing messages, Tweets (3), Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Google+ and Email Blasts. Of course, if you use another method or site not listed, just change a row title or add another row. The marketing calendar template is completely customizable to your needs.

3 Questions to ask yourself before creating your calendar

  1. Is this holiday relevant to my brand? It is best to pick and choose the holidays that will fulfill your end goal. Some holidays are perfect for your type of business and others will have not relevance at all. For example, a pizza joint probably wouldn't plan a campaign around Vitamin C Day, but Pizza Party Day should be huge!
  2. How much is too much? It is important to give your customers time between campaigns. Don't do too many or your brand could become annoying to some subscribers. Just give them enough to strengthen your brand and keep it top-of-mind.
  3. Which marketing methods will work best? If you don't know the answer to this yet, now is the perfect time to figure it out. Plan out your campaigns evenly and consistently. Mark your best campaigns with a certain color or other indicators, then go back and make choices for the next month, quarter or year. We strongly suggest SMS and MMS marketing as the best, most effective form of customer engagement.

Enjoy this template completely free of charge. We won't even make you give up your contact information to get it. Just download it, enjoy and succeed with it. Good luck with your marketing efforts going forward.

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